
“This is a great place to go to the dentist! I had two visits in one day. The cleaning was quick and smooth. The filling was painless and easy. Wonderful staff and doctor. Best dentist experience in Abilene!”

Discovering you have a cavity is a bummer but it’s nothing to be ashamed of. We see them every day!

At Abilene Dental Care, our team works hard to make treatment as simple, convenient and pleasant as possible. Plus, the earlier you visit for a filling, the more likely you’ll be able to avoid a potential emergency later.Call to schedule a short appointment at one of our two conveniently located Abilene, TX offices and get your tooth back in tiptop shape.

Call to schedule a short appointment at one of our two conveniently located Abilene, TX offices and get your tooth back in tiptop shape.

It’s always better to fix a tooth before it gets complicated.

Schedule an appointment with our Abilene Dental Care team today so you can take care of your cavity and avoid a bigger issue later.